Vacation Rental Terms & Conditions
The following Rental Terms & Conditions is a binding legal agreement between You, the Lead Guest and the Homeowner of Lodge 50 at Pinnacle Point Estate.
- The Property
The vacation property address: Lodge 50, 1 Pinnacle Point Drive, Pinnacle Point Estate, Mossel Bay 6500, South Africa.
- Terms of the Lease
The vacation rental begins at 4 Pm on the Check-in Date and ends at 9 Am on the Check-out Date.
Failure to adhere to check-out time may result in additional late fee set at ZAR 3000 unless discussed and agreed with Homeowner in advance of the stay.
- Maximum Occupancy & Age of Guests
The maximum number of guests is limited to 6 persons and minimum age of Lead Guest must be 25.
The minimum age of the other Guests must be 8, as Lodge 50 is not suitable for small children.
- Rental Rules
Guest agrees to always abide by the House Rules and the Homeowners Association (HOA) Rules detailed in Appendices while at the property. Guest should also ensure that all members of the rental party and anyone else Guest permits on the property to abide these rules.
- Essentials
The lodge is rented fully furnished including linen, towels, and kitchen utensils.
An inventory list will be completed during check-in and again before check-out.
- Cable TV
DSTV Premium Satellite TV is provided, and service level has been chosen by the Homeowner. No refund of rents shall be given for outages, content, or lack of content.
- Internet
Wireless internet is provided as a convenience only and is not integral to the agreement. No refund of rents shall be given for outages, content, lack of content, speed, access problems or lack of knowledge of use.
- Trash
Guests shall dispose of all waste materials in bins provided (black bin bags for general waste and blue bin bags for recyclable waste). Black wheelie bin should be placed outside next to main lodge road and is collected each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
- Cleaning
Lodge will be cleaned twice per week. Guests should ensure that in between these days the lodge is kept clean and tidy.
- Possessions
Valuable items left behind by guests will be held by Homeowner for safekeeping and every reasonable effort will be made to contact Guest for their return. The Homeowner will not be held liable for condition of said items.
- Quiet Enjoyment
The Guests shall behave in a civilized manner and shall be good Neighbours respecting the rights of the surrounding property owners. The Guests shall not create noise or disturbances likely to disturb or annoy the surrounding property owners. Creating a disturbance of the above nature shall be grounds for immediate termination of this agreement and Guests shall then be asked to immediately vacate the premises.
- Use of Property
Guest expressly acknowledges and agrees that this Agreement is for holiday occupancy of the Property, and that Guests do not intend to make the property a residence or household nor will it be used for commercial purposes.
- Firearms and Hazardous Materials
Firearms shall not be allowed on the premises. Guest agrees that Fireworks and other hazardous materials shall not be used in, around the property, in Pinnacle Point Estate.
- Access
Guest shall allow access to the property for purposes of repair, inspection, or emergency. Homeowner shall exercise this right of access in a reasonable manner by giving at least 24 hours’ notice (unless in case of emergency).
- Termination
Should the Guest or members of the rental party violate any terms of the Agreement the rental period shall be terminated immediately in accordance with applicable local laws.
- Insurance
We encourage all renters to purchase travel insurance in case unforeseen circumstances, accidents or other issues that may prohibit Guest from traveling or fulfilling rental terms.
- Rental Rate and Fees
Payment of the full rental amount is due within 14 days of booking confirmation.
An additional SECURITY DEPOSIT of ZAR 5.000 for house rental is payable 14 days prior to arrival date. The additional Security Deposit will be refunded within 10 days of Check-out Date except if deductions need to be made due to: Damage caused to the property or furnishings. Dirt or other mess requiring excessive cleaning; or any other cost incurred by Homeowner due to Guest`s stay.
- Payment
Payments are to be made by bank transfer to details provided during reservation process.
19. Cancellation Policy
If Guest wishes to cancel the reservation:
The payment of the Security Deposit amount will be refunded 100%.
The payment of the Rental amount will be refunded as follows:
100% if cancelled 60 days prior to Check-in Date.
75% if cancelled 59-45 days prior to Check-in Date. 50% if cancelled 44-30 days prior to Check-in Date.
25% if cancelled 29-15 days prior to Check-in Date.
0% if cancelled 14-0 days prior to Check-in Date.
- Insurance
We encourage all renters to purchase travel insurance in case unforeseen circumstances, accidents or other issues that may prohibit Guest from traveling or fulfilling rental terms.
- Termination
Should the Guest or members of the rental party violate any terms of the Agreement the rental period shall be terminated immediately in accordance with applicable local laws.
- Attorney’s Fees
Guest agrees to pay all reasonable costs, attorney’s fees and expenses that shall be made or incurred by Landlord enforcing this agreement.
- Applicable House rules
No pets are allowed on the property.
No smoking inside the property (Marijuana or tobacco cigarettes, cigars, electronic cigarette, or any similar product whose use generates smoke or vapors).
Maximum of 2 vehicles are permitted to be parked at the property (Estate Security will ask any unauthorized vehicles to be moved).
Entering the environmentally sensitive area at the rear of the lodge is strictly prohibited.
Do not dispose of any trash, empty bottles, or ashes in the environmentally sensitive areas.
Do not use towels to remove any Make Up or anything else that is likely to cause permanent stains (cost of replacement will be deducted from deposit).
No Make Up or any stains should be found on Linen or Soft Furnishings (cost of replacement will be deducted from deposit).
Be respectful of the Neighbourhood and reduce noise volume between 10PM & 8AM.
No open fires or Barbecue/Braais on lawn are allowed.
- Governing Law
This agreement is governed under the laws of South Africa.
Applicable Pinnacle Point Home Owners Association (PPHOA) Estate Rules:
(Below are the most important extracts from the PPHOA Estate Rules relevant to guests staying on the estate. All rules should be followed and a complete list of PPHOA Estate Rules are available on request).
Please note the fines schedule for in the event of any person contravening or failing to comply with or being deemed to have contravened or failed to comply with any provision of section 2 of these House Rules.
2.1 Directors, managers, members, and staff of the Association shall be treated courteously and with due respect.
2.2 Drunk or disorderly conduct in any communal area of the Estate is not allowed.
2.3 Slaughtering of animals for religious and cultural purposes will not be permitted.
2.6 The use of fireworks, in any manner whatsoever, within the Estate is strictly prohibited.
2.7 In accordance with the rules of the South African Aviation Authority, Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) such as drones, hovercrafts, or any other remote-controlled flying objects such as Model Aircraft may not be operated in the Estate. Toy Aircraft (designed and intended for use in play by children) may only be operated in the Estate for recreational purposes without causing a nuisance or endangering other residents, must be no more than 30 grams in weight, and may not
possess photography, videography, or surveillance capabilities. No aircraft may be flown or remotely operated within 50m or closer from any person or group of persons (such as sports fields, public roads, social events) or any property or any game in the nature reserve. The Association reserves the right to impose further limitations at its discretion on the use of these flying objects in terms of reasonable community-based safety guidelines. Drones for commercial use such as specialized aerial services, professional photography/videography, land surveying, game counting or other defined purpose may only be used with the prior written consent of the Association.
2.8 Use of any communal areas, including the clubhouse complex, golf course, play parks, swimming pools and game reserve, is always entirely at own risk.
2.9 The Association shall entertain no claims for damages of whatsoever nature or from whatsoever cause arising from golfers, golf balls or fauna.
2.13 No burning of rubbish in the Estate is permitted.
2.14 No vandalism of whatsoever nature is permitted.
2.15 The refuse removal will be coordinated by the Association and will be as follows: –
2.15.1 Refuse to be left outside in wheelie bin by 8h30 on day of collection.
2.15.3 Lodges will be collected on a Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
2.16 No person shall keep any refuse within or outside his unit, except in specified containers and in such places as may be specifically set aside therefore, of as may be approved by the PPHOA from time to time.
2.20 No garments, household linen or washing of any nature may be hung out or placed anywhere to dry, except in a drying area designated for such purpose.
2.21 Whenever the PPHOA is of the view that the behavior of any person may be detrimental to the amenities of the scheme generally, he may call upon such person to cease such behavior. In the event of such person failing to do so, he shall be deemed to be guilty of having been in breach of this section of the House Rules. No person shall make or cause to make any excessive or undue noise which constitutes a nuisance to other owners, after 22h00 on any day. Any suspected violations should be reported to the Estate’s Security Department for investigation and response.
Please note the fines schedule for in the event of any person contravening or failing to comply with or being deemed to have contravened or failed to comply with any provision of section 5 of these House Rules.
5.1 The golf course and clubhouse are there to be enjoyed by everyone, golfers, and non-golfers alike. The Codes of Conduct for these facilities as published by the Association must be strictly always adhered to. The Association reserves the right to suspend or cancel membership of the Golf Club and/or patronage of the Clubhouse in the event of persistent breach of the Codes of Conduct.
5.2 The in-bounds (playing) areas of the golf course may not be used by any person while golfers are in play.
5.3 For safety reasons, non-golfers may not walk, jog, ride a bicycle or drive carts across the golf playing areas of the course during golfing hours.
5.4 Users who walk, jog and cycle on the course cart paths do so entirely at their own risk.
5.5 Collection of golf balls in and amongst the fynbos is totally prohibited.
5.6 Access to the golf course to play golf will only be granted after registering at the Pro Shop prior to play.
5.7 No golfer may start to play golf on any hole other than the 1st or 10th, and only after having registered at the Pro Shop for play.
5.8 No golfer may trespass on the private property of residents for any reason including retrieving golf balls.
5.10 Golf practicing is limited to the designated range and practice facilities during the designated times only. No practicing is allowed anywhere on the course at any time.
5.11 Playing golfers always enjoy priority on the golf course.
5.13 Instructions from marshals and security officials must be always obeyed.
5.14 After golfing hours residents are welcome to use the course for recreational activities such as walking, jogging, cycling, or exercising pets on a leash provided that no activity may be undertaken that may potentially damage the course.
5.15 No activity may be undertaken closer than fifteen meters to any green, tee box or sand bunker. Greens are the finely mowed and manicured areas where golfers finish every hole, indicated with flag sticks in the cups. Therefore, nobody except a golfer during official play is allowed on a green, tee box or in sand bunker.
Please note the fines schedule for in the event of any person contravening or failing to comply with or being deemed to have contravened or failed to comply with any provision of section 6 of these House Rules.
6.1 For the purposes of these House Rules, ‘vehicle’ shall mean any form of conveyance, whether self-propelled, or drawn by mechanical, animal, or human agency.
6.2 No vehicles shall enter or leave the development at any point except at the entrance gates, except in special circumstances and then only with the consent of, or at the discretion of the PPHOA.
6.3 All vehicles entering the development shall stop at the said vehicles entrance.
6.4 No vehicle shall enter the development unless admitted thereto by the guard on duty at the said gate, except where the Association has issued to its members a device enabling such members to operate the vehicle entrance gate themselves.
6.5 No member shall permit the use of such device for operating the said vehicle entrance gate by any person save another member, or the guests or lessees of such member.
6.6 Golf carts shall be driven only by persons who are in possession of a valid driver’s license, subject to any rules that are published in this regard.
6.7 Golf carts shall not be driven closer than fifteen meters to greens or tees and shall be driven in and upon drier areas of the course only. Golf carts are to be driven straight up and down slopes and not laterally across slopes.
6.8 No privately-owned golf carts are allowed on the development without prior approval and registration with the Association.
6.9 No person shall drive any golf cart or vehicle on any road within the development at a speed more than 10km per hour on golf cart driveways and 30 km per hour on roads.
6.10 If considered necessary or desirable to do so, the Association may impose temporary or permanent speed limits lower than referred to above upon such golf cart driveways and roads or portion thereof as it may deem fit.
6.11 In the event of the Association imposing a speed limit upon any golf cart driveway or road, or portion thereof, it shall erect at the commencement of such area of road, a sign setting up such lower speed limit and such lower speed limit shall apply upon that road for the length thereof, until a further sign erected by the Association removes such lower speed limit.
6.12 No person shall drive any golf cart at any place within the development, except: 6.12.1 upon any golf cart driveway in the development.
6.12.2 upon any driveway within a residential erf.
6.12.3 upon the golf course itself and upon any road or track not referred to above, especially designated by the Association as being for vehicular use, on a plan of the development to be posted in the office of the PPHOA for general information, and by means of appropriate signs.
6.13 Drivers of golf carts shall always consider each other and utilize the lay byes provided for purposes of passing other golf carts using the golf cart driveways in the development.
6.14 Pedestrians, animals, birds, and wildlife shall always have the right of way within the development and vehicles shall be brought to a stop whenever necessary to enable them to enjoy such right of way.
6.15 The Association may, by means of appropriate signage, designed specifically for the development, give such direction as to the use of roads or any portion thereof, as it in its discretion may deem fit and any failure by any person to obey the same and give effect thereto, shall constitute a contravention of these House Rules.
6.17 No person shall drive or ride any vehicle in the development in such a manner that would constitute a contravention of these House Rules.
6.18 No Quad bikes are permitted to be driven on the Estate, unless in the case of the Security Department of the Association.
6.19 The use of vehicles with customized, noisy exhaust systems is prohibited.
6.20 No person shall store, park, or leave unattended by such person competent to drive such golf cart or vehicle in any place in the development, except: –
Please note the fines schedule for in the event of any person contravening or failing to comply with or being deemed to have contravened or failed to comply with any provision of section 7 of these House Rules.
7.1 No person shall use or conduct himself upon such open space within the development in such manner as may, in the opinion of the Association, detrimentally affect the open space or any of the amenities thereof.
7.2 No persons shall use any open space within the development in any manner which may unreasonably interfere with the use and enjoyment thereof by any other persons in the development.
7.3 No persons shall discard any litter or any nature whatsoever at any place in the development other than in such receptacles and in such places as may be set aside for the purpose designated as such by the Association.
7.4 No camping shall be permitted.
7.5 No fire shall be lit anywhere in the development, except in such places as may be designated for the purpose by the Association and in a properly constructed fireplace or braai.
7.6 No person shall anywhere in the development disturb, harm, destroy or permit to be disturbed, harmed, or destroyed any wild animal, reptile or bird.
7.7 No person shall anywhere in the development, disturb, harm, destroy, or collect any plant material, whether living or dead, save with the consent of or on the instructions of the Association. No person shall indulge in gardening or landscaping upon property in the development, without the express prior agreement of the Association or PPHOA regarding the nature and extent of such gardening or landscaping activity. No person shall, unless authorized thereto by the PPHOA or the Association, pick or plant any flowers or plants in the development and, in particular, around the various properties.
7.8 Subject to any law including and without affecting the generality of the a foregoing, any regulation made in terms of the Environment Conservation Act No. 73 of 1989, or any permit granted under or in terms of the said Act or the Environment Conservation Act No. 100 of 1982, the Association shall be entitled to prohibit access to any part of the open space if it deems it desirable so to do for the preservation of the natural fauna and flora, and no personal shall enter into any such are without the consent of the PPHOA.
7.9 No trail or path in the open space shall be used, except by pedestrians, unless specifically designated for some other use by the Association.
7.10 For purposes of section 7.1 to 7.9 above, ‘open spaces’ shall mean any area in the development not covered by a building.
7.11 Except insofar as the discharge of firearms might be linked to some authorized sporting activity within the development, no person shall anywhere in this development discharge any air gun or pistol.
Please note the fines schedule for in the event of any person contravening or failing to comply with or being deemed to have contravened or failed to comply with any provision of section 9 of these House Rules.
9.1 No person shall do anything which is, or might be, prejudicial to the security of other members/residents within the development and members are to report incidents affecting security to the PPHOA.
9.2 In order to facilitate security measures within the development, all persons shall report their arrival and departures to the Association.
9.3 Access to the residential properties will be controlled at the entrance gate by Security. Security should be kept informed of the arrival and departure of all guests who will visit residents.
9.4 All Members and tenants are required to advise Security at the entrance gate in advance the name and approximate time of arrival of any non-member (including members of his family) to be admitted to Pinnacle Point as invitees or guests. Failing which, the Security Officer will, when approached by any person for entry to Pinnacle Point telephone the destination points for instructions. Entry will be refused if the above process cannot satisfactorily be concluded. It is therefore desirable that up-to-date contact details are provided to the HOA offices so that you may be reached under these circumstances. The same process will apply to deliveries or collections as well and the Association will not be held liable for any costs incurred by aborted services.
9.5 Security protocol at the gatehouses shall be strictly always adhered to. Under no circumstances shall residents or any person other than security personnel, Directors or un-authorized personnel be allowed into the gatehouse.
9.6 No visitor may enter the Estate without being issued with the required authorization.
9.7 All residents, visitors and invitees must adhere to security protocol, and may not use access cards belonging to another person.
9.8 Security related incidents must be reported to the security control room immediately.
9.9 No resident may issue instructions to or countermand the standing instructions issued to security personnel.